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The Temple's Sacrificial Pyre was born of Moxiette's design and the blessing of the Lord Priest:

This dark stone on the north side of the room is a sacrificial pyre. The stone

is almost marble in its smoothness and reflection. Only a cleric of Dahkoar can

light or douse the pyre with the commands: pyre light or pyre douse. After it

is lit a person performing the ritual burning of an item in sacrifice can do so

with the words: pyre <item>.

You light the sacrificial pyre with a wave of your hand and a mystical


Dark flames rise up from dark matter on top of the pyre and the midnight

blaze nearly reaches the ceiling.


Good evening to you all. On a handful of occasions, now, I've met with many of you throughout my public sermons, typically with smiles and fanfare. Although this ritual is likely the zenith of my preachership, thus far, and I -am- terribly eager, I face you tonight with a somber heart. 

Tonight, after all, we summon The Lord's flames to scorch our weaknesses, that they might be replaced by the holy virtue of Dominance. 

For those that may be unaware, or need refreshing, "The Lord wills that the Darkness be dominant in all things. Dahkoar is glorified in His faith, His servants, and His power rising up and manifesting itself in all things. Anything that stands against the Lord's tenets and the raising of His name must be displaced. That which does not aid our Lord hinders Him and must be removed."

And so it shall be. 

(You light the sacrificial pyre with a wave of your hand and a mystical


Dark flames rise up from dark matter on top of the pyre and the midnight

blaze nearly reaches the ceiling.)

Ladies and gentlemen, please afford the pyre a distance. The sparks can be...chaotic. This awesome blaze, born of Dahkoar's flame, represents The Lord's power to manifest an unconquerable will in our spirits. It is by His word that we find it in ourselves to press on, past crucibles and beyond unspeakable struggles, for we know absolute Darkness is abundantly worthy.

The omnipotence of Darkness renders all folly, frivolity and malady negligible; that which stands against the Lord must be displaced and, by extension, whatever hinders one's progression on the One, True Path must be likewise obliterated.

Tonight, we sacrifice tokens of our weaknesses before The Lord, however it may please our flesh or mortal desire to cling miserably to them. We incinerate them, figuratively and literally, and invite the inferno of Darkness to consume the place they once held.

Will the faithful please admit their tokens to the flames, now?


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